Author Sabrina D. Clayton brings her readers into one endearing little girl’s imaginative world through her first charming children’s book, My Cartoon Imagination at School. The author has been writing short stories like this one since she was in grade school. Her mother actually was the first person she ever heard compare a person to a cartoon character. As a young girl, Sabrina would hear her mother describe how a person would remind her of some random character on the television. Have you ever looked at someone and thought they looked like another person, an animal or your favorite cartoon character? Clayton invites you to take this journey along with Samara and join her fun-filled journey as she explores her vivid imagination in this creative and poetic story!
Now, Sabrina Clayton wants to introduce another fun-filled story to her readers when the main character, Samara, has an unexpected accident on the playground. Samara was very afraid to go to the hospital after her injury until her mother calmed her down. She then reminded her to use her imagination and think of the people around her as cartoon animals. She continues to explore her wild and vivid imagination at the hospital while she is being treated for her injuries. Come along and take this journey into this endearing little girl's imaginative world through this charming, poetic little story called My Cartoon Imagination at the Hospital. It is a sequel to Samara's first adventure, My Cartoon Imagination at School, where she first learned this great imagination mind trick from her mother. She hopes that these books will inspire children to be creative, follow their dreams, and keep their imaginations alive!
Sabrina is a registered nurse with over ten years of experience working in the emergency department with extensive expertise in all facets of nursing. She began her nursing training and career at the Community College of the Air Force back in the 1990s and graduated as a medical service specialist which she later advanced her training to a licensed practical (vocational) nurse. She is a Veteran who served her country for eight years in the U.S. Air Force Reserves and then completed her registered nurse degree and license. As a dedicated mother of two sons, with three young nephews, Clayton hopes her books will inspire them to never give up on their dreams even if there are roadblocks and setbacks along the way. She also dedicates her books to sick children everywhere who are being treated in hospitals all over the world. "I hope that my books will help to relax their minds when they read them and will bring them joy and peace in their spirit during the healing of their minds and bodies. Be strong, little ones!"

